Dahlia Kennedy's sixteenth birthday marks a decade of mysterious dahlias arriving and strange, lonely dreams of being in a forest. The only difference this birthday, however, is that for the first time, someone is there with her. And he's practically from a whole other era. The more often Dahlia visits Rowan in his land of Ambrosia, the stronger their connection grows. But... is Ambrosia real? Is he real? What is going on between the two of them, exactly, and why does he insist that she keep it to herself? As secrets usually go, however, it's only a matter of time before everything comes out. And when Dahlia finds out the truth of who Rowan is, who she is, and how he really feels -- it’s beyond anything she could have ever imagined. (Add to Goodreads | Purchase at Amazon)
Blog Tour Schedule January 27th – Kristalyn Thornock at The Sarcastic Palmtree (Release Day/DVD giveaway)
January 27th – Cassandra at Cassandra Lost in Books (Release Day)
January 27th – Meg at Book Groupies (Release Day)
January 28th – Kaitlin at Reading is My Treasure (Review)
January 28th – Lisa at Dizneeee's World of Books
January 29th – Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (Author Interview)
January 29th – Cheyanne at Cheyanne Young (Author interview)
January 30th – Eugenia at Chasm of Books (Author Interview and Review)
January 30th – A. Kerr at Kerrific (Review)
January 31st – Jenna (JL) at Avid Reader Musings (Writing Playlist)
January 31st – Ella Johnson at Mymcbooks Blog (Spotlight/giveaway)
February 1rd -- Eugenia at Chasm of Books (Shaver dream cast)
February 3rd – Heather Rosdol at Buried in Books (Review)
February 3rd – Rachel at The NerdHerd Reads (Dreamcast)
February 4th – Penny at One Writer's Journey (Author Interview)
February 4th – Dana at Dana Square (character interview)
February 5th – Beverly at The Wormhole (Author interview and book promo spot)
February 5th – Kaycee at My Crafty Zoo (Deleted scene and recipe)
February 6th – Kimberly Lim at Kim's Reading Lounge (Review)
February 6th – Dianne at Oops! I Read A Book Again (Review)
February 7th – Janie Junebug at Women: We Shall Overcome (Guest Post)
February 7th – Jodie at Books for Company (Lyrics written for If I Speak True)
February 7th -- Colleen at Cici's Theories (Plant meanings and their correlations to the characters)
Thanks for sharing in my excitement, guys! :)
About the author:
Congratulations and good luck!
Congratulations, Jessica!! Looks like a fun read! (and a busy launch week!)
Congratulations! I still love that cover--such a great composition!
Thank you everyone! :)
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