Monday, January 30, 2017

How to Make Podcasts Part of Your Book Marketing Strategy

A hearty welcome to guest blogger, Josh Pantalleresco of Just Joshing, a literary podcast. He's here to tell you how to make the most of this great book marketing resource.

 Just Joshing
Podcasts are a great resource for authors. These days, promotion is a necessary evil all writers must engage in. As amazing as your book may be, you need to let people know about it. Interviews are a great way to let your fans or potential fans know who you are and what you offer, and maybe make them care about it at the very end.

After all, you want people to care about your book. Each one of you reading this has worked your butt off constructing a book.  It deserves to find an audience—the right audience—reading it.

So if you are looking for press and promotion, try to keep a few of these things in mind when you do seek podcasts to promote it.

The first question you should ask yourself is what kind of book did you complete? One of the key things about promotion today is that general promotion is no longer an efficient form of advertising. Don't get me wrong, there's no such thing as a bad kind of promotion. That said, I'd argue that identifying the niche of your book is one of the most crucial things you need to do to is identify your niche. Are you a steampunk romance? Or are you a cyberpunk world war two alternative history story? Believe it or not, there are places that promote each.

Podcasts are no different. There are horror podcasts, science fiction podcasts, graphic novel podcasts, and so on and so forth. They love their niches and talk about them all the time. If you are in that niche, chances are they will gush at what you've done.

My podcast (the twice a week literary podcast Just Joshing, which airs Tuesdays and Fridays) is a little bit more general. But if you look real closely at my guest list, most of my guests do some kind of science fiction, fantasy, young adult, or horror. I do diverge from this from time to time, but that is what I'm looking for by and large. So if you are unsure what audience the podcast is trying to reach, check out their guest list. Do they do the kind of thing you are doing? The more they do it, the better the chances that podcast would be interested in you.

The last thing you should do before you go on a podcast of any kind is listen to it. After all, you need to know what kind of interview do they do. In my podcast, Just Joshing, I do a casual interview.  I rather have an interesting conversation, over the general question and answer session. I feel a podcast is best for a conversation and that's how I do my show.

Beyond that, I leave it up to you. Find your niche; I cannot stress that enough. It seems like such a common sense approach, but the truth is, a lot of creators fail to realize who they are in the literary world. Figure it out, and then go forth and find that audience. Once you find that niche, make sure you come across as genuine and comfortable. Beyond that, be yourself. More so than the book, people will connect with you if you come across as someone honest and sincere with your audience—which you've hopefully achieved with the interview. And if you're lucky, you've found more readers that are into what you do. And isn't that the goal?

Have any questions for Josh? Please post them in the comments.


Joshua Pantalleresco writes stuff, and podcasts too. His podcast, Just Jo
shing, airs Tuesdays and Fridays at or on itunes at .
His books The Watcher and Stormdancer are published by Mirror World Books and are available at, Amazon or at bookstores. His next book The Cloud Diver will be released this spring. Learn more at

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