Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year, New Resolutions for Writers!

Happy New Year! Who's looking forward to 2017?

I hope you read Melinda's post yesterday. I found it to be encouraging; it made me want to knuckle down and get writing, even with my fears!

I love making New Year's resolutions, even though I'm super not-great at keeping them for long. I've been fighting a sinus infection for more than 2 weeks now, which has put a damper on keeping some of my resolutions right out of the gate, such as exercising more (I can't even breathe properly when sitting down, so getting on my elliptical machine just doesn't make sense). But I'm still making resolutions, even if I have to wait until next week to really dive in to them.

What kind of writing resolutions are you making this year? I plan on creating an author website and finishing another novel. I also have reading resolutions, like reading more books in 2017 than I did in 2016.

I hope that you are able to accomplish whatever you are resolved to do in 2017. If you have writing or reading goals, maybe Operation Awesome can help! Check out our Resources for Writers page. If you are looking for more good books to read, come by on Wednesdays for J Lenni Dorner's Debut Author Spotlights. If you plan on querying in 2017, my Tuesday Museday feature offers an opportunity for a free query critique. And if you've resolved to be more involved in the online writing community, consider joining Operation Awesome! We're looking for another weekly contributor to join the squad. Details are here; applications are accepted through Friday.

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