Welcome to W-DAY of the Operation Awesome A-to-Z Blogging Challenge! This month we're doing 26 posts on WRITING MOTIVATION.
Are you burned out? That's okay! Taking a break from your WIP is sometimes what you need to recharge. Or, are you letting your current WIP sit for the recommended 4+ weeks so you can go back to it with fresh eyes?
My part of our Writing Motivation theme is – Things to work on that still count as writing!
W – Website, Promotion, Marketing
At some point, you'll need an author website. You'll also need to learn about promotion and marketing, because even if you're traditionally published, and especially if you're self-published, YOU will be primarily responsible for these activities.
Where are most of your readers? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram?
Should you have a blog as well as a website? What should you blog about?
Get a jump on your research in these areas to prepare for the time when YOU, yes YOU, are a published author!
Book Marketing Strategies from Debut Authors
Marketing and publicity part 1
Marketing and publicity part 2
Author Websites
Your Book, Your Brand by Dana Kaye
3 Reasons to Blog, and 3 Reasons NOT to Blog
What Should Authors Blog About
Come back tomorrow for more WRITING MOTIVATION!

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There is lot of learning here in your blog. As a blogger I think it feeds me a lot of " Point to Ponder"
Thanks for the links, great reflexion here.
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