A Month of Writing Motivation is the Operation Awesome theme for the 2020 A to Z Challenge. I'm giving examples of how five reference books offer writing motivation.

The 30-Day Writing Challenge: Begin or Enhance Your Daily Writing Habit - Sara E. Crawford
This is a short book that's easy to read. If you're willing to try each exercise every day for a month, it can make you feel better about your writing. Most of the book is only asking for 30 minutes to an hour of your time.
Consider giving yourself a reward for completing that challenge. Maybe a new book or a special pen. Better yet, tell someone that you are doing the challenge, and ask them to hold you accountable. Maybe you want them to offer you a little reward if you manage this. Maybe you need them to remind you every day. I mentioned in other posts this month that knowing if you're more motivated by reward or by the fear of failure would help. Well, this book is your chance to test it.
There's no coincidence that I've saved it for the letter Y. You might be here because you've just done the A to Z challenge and are looking for another month of writing motivation and distraction. Well, here you go! Pick up Sara's book and get cracking.

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