I think it has something to do with my clients being in the final stages of a book. It's the stage when you are DONE with all the nit-picky editing and the cover is finalized...when it's time for getting fun presents and swag items for contests and celebrations. The stage when you finally have something to show for all that hard work you've put in, and you can finally start showing off a finished product!

If you're going to BEA 2015, stay tuned for a special deal on these mini booklets! (Features your front/back cover and approximately the first thousand words of your novel)
Don't you love swag?
I think it ranks right up there with "The End," "Send me a full ms," and, "You have a deal."
BE PROUD of your accomplishments and show it off to the world!
They are so, well, charming! I absolutely love them, especially the Moonflower one. It would be great for a fangirl like me to have a whole charm bracelet of favorites. People would know without even talking to me exactly who I am. :)
Thanks, Katrina! I have my books hanging on my computer bag. It's sort of like proof when people ask what I do and I say I'm a writer. (I often take my laptop to the pool when the kids have swim team practice) "These are my books!" :-)
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